Data Science

December 2017

How I Learned to Walk the Tightrope of Work-Life Balance

work-life balane

There I was again, the very last person in the office. It always started out the same way. Five o’clock hit and I thought to myself, “One more email. Five more minutes won’t hurt.” And then two hours later, I arrived home to a husband grumbling over a home-cooked dinner that lost all its warmth long ago.

One day, as I walked out of the office, past all of the empty parking spots that I envied, I thought to myself, “What if I was one of those people who just left on time?”

And then I thought, “What if I really was one of those people?”

November 2017

6 Tips for Students Who Dream of Working Abroad

insurance careers around the world

Moving to Qatar for work was one of the greatest challenges I have ever faced. I had lived my whole life in an insignificant city, never leaving town even to go to university, and working in my city’s small hospital. Then I got married and decided that it would be a whole new definition of “fun” to tag along with my husband on his new offer in the far off, mysterious Middle East.

This Fraternity Really Loves Risk: Gamma Iota Sigma

Sarah Rumon has a lot of reasons she loves being in the Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) international business fraternity, like connections to fellow students and alumni around the country.

“I can still think back to my first international conference where I met a few people from St. John’s University, and I still talk to them two years later. I never would have met them if it were not for GIS,” says Rumon, a senior at the University of St. Thomas — Minnesota. “So I really enjoy that feeling of community and camaraderie.”

Why “Intro to Risk Management and Insurance” Should Be Your Next Core Elective

What’s the one class every undergraduate should take? Where will you learn the stuff that will help you to not just get a decent job but win at life?

Public speaking seems like a good bet, and maybe a business writing course isn’t a bad idea. Wine tasting or ballroom dance? Definitely fun but not quite as pragmatic.

Here’s one you’ve probably never considered: “Intro to Risk Management and Insurance (RMI).”

Insurance Careers: The Best-Kept Secret

I will never forget the piece of advice that a keynote speaker shared at my first Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) International Conference. He asked all the students in the audience to lean forward because he was going to let us in on a secret. “You just made the best choice by being here at this conference,” he said. “Working in the insurance industry is the best-kept secret.”

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but as I have grown in my education and my career, this statement has never been truer.