Best Ways to Find a Job: Job Search Strategies & Tips

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Some job search strategies are timeless. However, as the economy changes, the best ways to search for a job may also change. By combining some job search basics with effective ways to use modern methods of job searching, it’s often possible to find a job with several small efforts combined.

Job Search Tip #1 - Reach Out To Your Internal Network (Alumni + Friends)

It’s likely you already know several people who can help you find a job. They might know someone who’s hiring, or could even be hiring themselves. For any number of reasons, your name just hasn’t leapt to their mind as a solution.

Job searching 101 starts by by listing the most influential people you know. Think of a few ways to touch base with them and raise awareness that you’re looking for new employment opportunities. This is often as simple as getting coffee. Socializing may not feel like a productive way to seek a job, but social connections can definitely help you get your foot in the door.

After working through your list of influential people, try connecting with your wider network. For students, that might include alumni, sororities or fraternities, and similar groups. And as you start stretching your search into the fringes of your network, it becomes useful to know how to request an informational interview.

Job Search Tip #2 - Use LinkedIn to Job Search

LinkedIn can help you narrow your job searching, sorting by your industry, qualifications, and educational background.  For example, someone with a background in customer service can used LinkedIn’s filters to connect with every relevant HR department and hiring manager in the industry.

Apart from job postings, LinkedIn also offers ways for job-seekers to make contact with recruiters. With an active profile, you may even find recruiters reaching out to you. And believe it or not, not all of these messages are spam.

And in addition to those direct methods of job searching, LinkedIn provides opportunities to help expand your network. LinkedIn can be a great resource, but there are also other online channels to look to. So, you may want to brush up on how to use social media to get a job.

Job Search Tip #3- Make Yourself Memorable

Want recruiters to reach out to you? Before you stand out, you have to be seen during a job search. You can do that by making use of industry-relevant keywords. This includes industry jargon, trending hashtags, and talking-points that signal your involvement and interests in the industry.

Honing these small details can build your profile towards the pursuit of a specific type of job by increasing your relevance and visibility to recruiters. And they’re an integral part to creating an effective online presence to help you find a job after college.

Suppose you wanted to know how to find an insurance job as a claims adjuster. Your LinkedIn profile or online resume might emphasize the skills most needed by claims adjusters, such as interpersonal skills and analytical reasoning.

Job Search Tip #4 - Attend Networking Events

You may have heard the English proverb, “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” This is an attitude that exists cross-culturally. The Chinese even have a word for it -- guanxi. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, or what kind of work you’re trying to find – who you know is important, and that is especially true for the best way to look for a job.

It can be tough to quantify what you gain by expanding your network, but it’s easy to understand. Employers tend to hire people who they know and can vouch for, or take hiring recommendations from people they trust. Before jobs are posted online or printed in a newspaper, employers will try and fill positions with someone they know they can hire.

Apart from interacting with employers, attending networking events can quickly open doors for you when job searching. If someone knows who you are, they’re more likely to listen to you later through social media or email.

Attending a networking event allows you to have face-to-face interactions with influential people from the industry where you’re pursuing a career path. And there’s simply no substitute to developing those kind of relationships.

How to Find an Insurance Job at a Networking Event

Many networking events are generalized, allowing job-seekers to meet people from a variety of different backgrounds. But many are specialized. Suppose you were wondering how to find an insurance job. Attending an insurance industry event could help you connect with people who have close ties to the field, both employers and people who have the ear of employers.

It’s not hard to find dozens of events in the insurance industry occurring throughout the year. All you have to do is search for one in your area, and stick to a few professional networking tips to find a job.

Continuing to Job Search

Finding a job can be tough, but planning and preparation make the process easier. In-person and online, sticking to these job search basics can take you far. But if you’re still trying to find the right job, consider trying MyPath’s Career Wizard Quiz to identify a few career paths that might work for you.