
If you like numbers, stats and streamlining, Actuary may be the career for you. You may have never heard of these jobs, but they're actually some of the best in the country. Actuary is probably the most underrated career in the world. It’s almost always at the top of lists promoting the best careers, and yet few people have ever even heard of it.

Find out more about Actuarial Careers

Tim Cowan Career Story

Why did you choose an insurance or risk management career?

I knew that I wanted to be an actuary, and insurance is a very common field for actuaries to work in.

How would you describe insurance or risk management to someone who doesn’t know what it is?

It’s providing more certainty in a very uncertain world.

What is your advice to others just starting out in this industry?

Making Society Resilient While Trying New Things: Why Gilberto Solbes Loves His Insurance Career

Gilberto Solbes swore that he wasn’t going to work in insurance.

“All my life, I’ve been surrounded by the insurance industry because my parents are insurance brokers,” he said.

He still loved math, though, and made plans to pursue a career in finance. But in college, he wound up taking a course on insurance, and to his surprise, he “totally loved it.”

Insurance Careers: The Best-Kept Secret

I will never forget the piece of advice that a keynote speaker shared at my first Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) International Conference. He asked all the students in the audience to lean forward because he was going to let us in on a secret. “You just made the best choice by being here at this conference,” he said. “Working in the insurance industry is the best-kept secret.”

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but as I have grown in my education and my career, this statement has never been truer.